Online Education.

I learned the hard way so you don’t have to.

Free Mini Courses.

Micro dose web-based education that’s specifically tailored to the needs, wants, knowledge level, and culture of military professionals.

Mini Courses are hosted on our YouTube channel as Playlists.

Launching February 2024.


Any Given Day educational assets are built upon an emphasis on our 4 foundational cornerstones.

  • Activity - Harvesting the value of recreation, socialization, and the gret outdoors for physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being

    Movement - Improving the positions and coordination of patterns like push, pull, hinge, squat, lunge/step, rotation, locomotion while appreciating the core’s universal involvement

    Performance - Developing occupationally relevant output and capacity of force (strength), velocity (speed), and power (explosiveness)

    Design - Applying variables of frequency, intensity, volume, and rest in alignment with steadfast principles of individuality, progression, overload, specificity, variety, reversibility, and diminishing returns

  • Skill - Progressing multifactorial abilities needed for occupational proficiency

    Technique - Expanding and training specific subcomponents of skills

    Tactics - Combining techniques to proactively address or reactively respond to volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) scenarios to accomplish short term objectives

    Strategy - Determining primary and alternative courses of action based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to achieve long term outcomes

  • Sleep - Befriending the allies of high quality and quantity rest while battling its obvious and covert enemies

    Fuel - Addressing the ways nutritional behaviors, macros & micronutrient consumption, hydration, and supplements contribute to how we look, feel, and perform

    Mindfulness - Incorporating evidence informed approaches to enhance presence, purpose, spirituality, attention, and energy

    Tools - Uncovering advantages and limitations of compressive, hot, cold, sensory, and other commercially popular recovery techniques

  • Self - Increasing self-awareness personal dimensions of wellness (physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, social, intellectual, environmental, occupational) 

    Connection - Establishing relationships through trust and communication to set the stage for achieving influence

    Leadership - Accomplishing multi-directional influence of leaders, subordinates, and peers

    Creation - Designing and implementing health, wellness, and/or performance initiatives 

The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.

- Thucydides